Trico Verde Resort & Hideaway – Andes

Trico Verde Resort & Hideaway – Andes

Cotopaxi Trigo Verde, Andes Resort & Hideaway development, is built around an existing hacienda located in a valley surrounding the Cotopaxi Nature Park Reservoir. Distant views enable an unobstructed view of the snow tipped Cotopaxi (5897 m o.s.) while trifles are left behind in the valley and the close by capital city, Quito. The refurbished main house of the hacienda is complimented by a number of chalets combining both the culture and the natural surroundings.


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Project Facts 
Location: Andean, Ecuador
Project Dates: 2009 – On Going
Site Area: 16 km2
Project Area: GFA 8.000 m2
Market: luxury Hotel & Resort
Service: Project development